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zykotick9, no. it's like mac. i don't care if the resolution is just 1080. i want to spend my money on a gpu that can play games. if i spend my money on a 980ti i don't want it to have an ugly resolution. oh, and i'm using ubuntu 16.04.1 DuckDuckGoose, So you are using ubuntu. Need to find a native resolution. From your description this might be only 1024x768 or a lower resolution. found it! younder, found it! DUH. this is what i was looking for. DuckDuckGoose, Problem solved? younder, nope. it still has a resolution of 1024x768 DuckDuckGoose, Weird. Where did you find the exact configurator? DuckDuckGoose, Uh, Was there a installation of the desktop done for this box? i'm using a hackintosh laptop right now to get this fix. this is my computer though. this isn't a hackintosh. younder, yes, there was a desktop installation of xubuntu for this computer. DuckDuckGoose, Have a read of this;
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